
“Snowmobiling is getting a bad name as it is so don’t make it worse ” If the property is private and not open to riding, please respect landowners and stay off. Thank you

Poem from Maine snowmobile paperpoem

Anybody wanting this years 2025 Super Raffle Tickets please contact Club President

Scholarship Application

To qualify for this scholarship the applicant must be a senior in a Sulllivan County high school or whose parents or guardians are members in good standing of the Sullivan County Trail Association. The student must plan on majoring in an environmental field such as: forestry preservation, wildlife management, environmental biology, or soil and water conservation.

The application must be returned to the Sullivan County Trail Association at PO Box 414  Neversink, NY 12765  before May 1st of the current year.

The scholarship monies will be disbursed to the student upon our receipt of a copy of their first college semester grade transcripts.

Scholarship Application

Trail Work

01-08-2025  With the high winds the last few days, the state has allowed us to go through trail system to clear blowdowns and remove broken branches and tree tops while there is little to no snow.  Volunteers needed .  Contact the club president for work days.

12-28-24 As of this posting all trails east of Mongaup pond have been cleared in early November.  The main trail C2 west from Mongaup pond to Coyote Junction has been cleared of blowdowns in early November the remaining trail to the Quick Lake leanto has not been cleard and  Bobcat, Flatrock and Coyote loops have not been cleared as of yet.

10-24-23  We cut out and removed blow downs from Long Pond trail head to Mongaup Pond   Went back on 10-25-23 to repair fencing at the hairpin turn at Butternut Brook and did some brushing back to Flugertown Rd
1-22-23  Cut out blowdowns and removed brush on main corridor east of Mongaup and up the hill towards Quick Lake.  Thanks to the State for allowing us to go in with the side by side before we got snow.  I’m sure there are more trees down along the way out to Quick lake so ride with caution if getting out.

11-18-22   I would like to thank all the volunteers for their efforts in clearing the trails of blowdowns , brush and debris this fall, there was plenty of it.  As of now all the trails are clear.. All we need now is some cold weather to freeze the waterholes and SNOW…

May 1st we can begin trail maintenance until mid June.  Anyone interested in volunteering contact the club president. Work days will be posted.

As of 1-16-22 all trails east of Mongaup Pond have been cleared of downed trees and brush. The main trail to Quick Lake as far as Coyote Junction has been cleared of downed trees and brush.  Coyote loop, and all trails heading towards Quick Lake from Coyote Junction still need to be cleared.  Ride Safe. Respect the private land owners.

1-23-21 all trails have been cleared of down trees, broken off branches and tops.  Thank you to all the volunteers.

1-9-2020 After the ice and wind there was a lot of blow downs, dead tree tops and branches on the trails.  Some club members spent the last 4 days clearing out the entire trail system. Thank you DEC Forester Dunn for allowing the club to go out and clean up the trails after the storm. Now we just need SNOW !!!

10/26.  A great day working on the trails. Mongaup to Quick lake including all loops are now cleared of blow downs that we had to go over or around last winter. Thank you to everyone involved. Also another crew worked on long pond and mongaup trails.  Thank you to them for their work  !!!

10/30.  Went out today working on mongaup and azalea trails removing blow downs and brush.  All trails are now cleared.  Some sections still need trimming. Thank you to everyone involved.  Let it SNOW !!!

Regular Meetings

Every third Thursday

7:30 PM

Neversink Firehouse
7468 State Route 55
Neversink, NY 12765